
African Suppliers provide services in Quality Control, Human Resources Management and Project Management. 

Based on our strong experience and competency, we could propose all services in the quality control scope, including:

        - Fully accompaniment in company certification

        - Accompaniment for implementation of Management Quality System
        - Design of quality documents (quality manual, processes description, etc)
        - Accompaniment in the cultural changes due to certification
        - Pre audit
        - Training 


We could also provide international or specific national standards, specifically ones from Niger.

To see the list of norms, click here

    • - Job description
      - Training and career plan
      - Performance evaluation
      - Organization, recruitement

    • Project management
      §- Project development plan
      - Project Timeline and resources
      - Project cost and commitments
      - Project management

    For any request, feel free to contact us:

I African Suppliers - Tél. : +(227) 20 35 05 48 - Fax : +(227) 20 35 04 48 I Email : I Credits I